Art Bubble

March 2021 (1 week)
Di Xu
Style Guide

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Twitch + Adobe
Challenge Brief

The Prompt

Design a desktop app

... or website that serves as a single-stop resource for any media related to a topic and encourages users to find new interests, events, and communities.

Our Solution

Social media platform for artists.

Questions to Consider


Does the solution address a target audience and their needs?


Does the prototype solve the problem in an innovative way?


Is visual design used in a thoughtful and meaningful way?

Project Requirements

Must be a desktop or web app
Contain 8 or more unique screens
Created during the event time period

Starting Off...

Since the challenge only allowed us 1-2 weeks to complete while we are in the midst of schoolwork, we decided to skip many of the usual steps needed for a refined solution.

We began by briefly undergoing competitive analysis through various platforms such as Twitch, Discord, and Instagram.

Afterwards, we discussed our ideas to develop our concept. We liked the idea of giving artists specifically a platform to find specific topics to discover and learn. Thus, we decide to move forward with that concept in mind.

Feature Matrix

To build our idea more specifically, we laid out all the features we may potentially include. At the end of our discussion, we decide on certain features so we can begin building the wireframes.

Site Map


Art Bubble


With Art Bubble, artists can come together to contribute to a topic, a place to introduce yourself to a new medium, or a new artist. The interface is intuitive because it is based on the interactions of Twitch and Discord, that many artists actively use to share their passion and craft. Welcome to Art Bubble, where you can discover and share your passions!

Sign In


Newsfeed displaying posts from followed "bubbles." Side navigation also introduces artists to recommended & trending bubbles.


Artist Bubbles

Your Bubble

Bubbles you create.

Style Guide


What Worked

We were pretty quick and efficient with workflow. Since it needed to be done quick, we made sure to spend each day going through phases such as concept, features, wireframe, and final prototype.

Our efficiency was largely contributed by using Adobe XD's plugin "Whiteboard." It helped us map out our ideas incredibly well, especially the "Lotus Blossom" map for our feature matrix.

What Didn't Worked

Although we had everything planned out before beginning the mockup, during the actual designing of the page, I struggled with organizing the information in visually appealing ways. Despite having the wireframes laid out, I was second-guessing the flow of how things look and made more iterations than I needed to make. Luckily, my teammate hopped on to help diffuse some of that confusion with referring back to other platform designs.

What I Would Do Differently

Because we were short on time while juggling with schoolwork, we weren't able to put in much time & effort as we could have to really flesh out the desktop application.

If given the time and less external stressors, I would have conducted more research, user testing, and refine the concept more.

View Prototype
